An Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, can effectively remove loose skin as well as excess fat from the abdominal area, tighten the underlying structures. It also removes stretch marks in the lower abdomen. By tightening the fascia (a sheet of connective tissue extending from the rib cage to the pubic bone between the fat and muscle), an abdominoplasty will also narrow your waist. The procedure will leave the abdominal tissues tighter, effectively making the body look leaner and more youthful. An abdominoplasty will, however, produce a permanent albeit not a very visible scar. This scar can usually be positioned so that it remains completely hidden and fades over time.

What is the difference between a full tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck?

The difference between a tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck depends on the patient’s anatomy. With a mini tummy tuck, there is no scar around the belly button. However, with a full abdominoplasty, in addition to a low horizontal abdominal scar, there is also a scar around the belly button. There are a number are other variations between a mini and a full  abdominoplasty depending on the specific anatomy of any given patient.

Who is a Good Candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Patients in good health, who have excess, out of proportional to the rest of the body, fat deposits, and/or excess skin in the abdominal region.

When the vertical muscles of the abdomen are separated; diastasis recti, which is more common following pregnancy. No amount of sit-ups will correct this and if anything can worsen the condition. The diastasis can be surgically corrected at the same time of an abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty surgery is a good option for patients who:

  • Have excess skin and fat of their abdomen
  • Have a weakened abdominal wall
  • Have tried diet and exercise without success
  • Are in good overall health and have realistic expectations
  • Length of Surgery – Generally one to five hours.
  • Anesthesia – General anesthesia. Intravenous sedation with local anesthesia in some cases. On the cutting edge and preferred by Dr. Fodor is TIVA, which is a combination of the two. It diminishes bleeding and post-operative nausea. Dr. Fodor has used this method for many years.
  • Recovery – Initial mild to moderate discomfort; prescription pain medication for two to14 days; minimal activity for several days; back to work in one to four weeks; swelling and bruising improve in three to 10 days, can take months to fully subside; avoid strenuous exercise for about one month.
  • Scars – Visible but usually undetectable when wearing clothing or most swimwear; poorly healed scars may, however, appear raised or widened.

How do I Prepare for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Dr. Fodor and his staff will advise you to stop the use of nicotine and similar products. In addition you should abstain from taking aspirin and any NSAID for two weeks in advance of your surgery.

Other Abdominoplasty Preparation Tips Include:


  • Plan to eat healthy balanced diet before and after surgery.
  • Avoid high in-take of sodium.
  • Arrange for transportation the day of surgery & possibility after surgery appointments.

Tummy Tuck Recovery

Your abdomen may be somewhat swollen and bruised for the first few days. Straining, bending, and lifting in excess of 30 pounds needs to be avoided for the fist two weeks. In the meantime, short walks, will assistance if needed is highly recommended on the day of surgery and daily. This will help promote blood flow following surgery. It is important, however, that you do not sit for prolonged periods of time during the first week.

Dr. Fodor may elect to use a compression surgical garment following surgery and will instruct you when it can be removed. Dr. Fodor and his staff will also advise you as to when you can a shower,

How well you feel and how soon you can return to work may depend on your physical condition and the strength of your abdominal muscles before surgery.  Often patients can resume non-strenuous work 7 to 10 days following surgery.  Normal activities and gradual return to abdominal exercising is resumed at two weeks.

Tummy Tuck Before and After Photos with Natural Appearing Results

Tummy Tuck – Abdominoplasty before and after photos with a very early result. This patient is only a few days after surgery (with surgical markings still visible). Note the minimal swelling and bruising.

Tummy Tuck - Abdominoplasty Before and After Photos

Photos show before and after photos of a full tummy tuck by Dr. Peter Fodor.

Before After Photos of Tummy Tuck for Men

Photos show natural appearing results of a tummy tuck for a man that presented with excess abdominal skin and muscle laxity.

Your Favorite Version of You Begins Here

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