
What is Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Male breast reduction surgery, or Gynecomastia, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess breast tissue and fat from the male chest. It is a common procedure for men who are unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts and can improve self-esteem and quality of life.

Gynecomastia surgery can vary depending on each patient’s specific situation. Some patients as determined by their mammogram may require only a liposuction type of procedure while others may need removal of excess skin and unwanted breast tissue.

What is Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Male breast reduction surgery, or Gynecomastia, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess breast tissue and fat from the male chest. It is a common procedure for men who are unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts and can improve self-esteem and quality of life.

Length of Surgery – Usually one to three hours.

Anesthesia – Twilight (sedation) anesthesia, or general anesthesia. On the cutting edge and preferred by Dr. Fodor is TIVA, which is a combination of the two. It diminishes bleeding and post-operative nausea. Dr. Fodor has used this method for many years.

Recovery – Initial no or only mild discomfort easily controlled medication; back to work in two to three days; swelling minimal, bruising generally subsides in one to two weeks; avoid chest weight lifting for one month.

Scars – Although scars are permanent and can remain noticeable, by far most scars fade over time; poor healing with raised or wide scars a possibility.


Types of Male Breast Reduction

The correction of gynecomastia is frequently performed under general anesthesia and sometimes under sedation (twilight) anesthesia, in which both a local anesthetic and sedation are used to the patient is awake but largely unaware of what is going on.


  • Liposuction Only Male Breast Reduction – In cases where the breast enlargement is primarily caused by excess fatty tissue, liposuction may be the only treatment necessary. In cases where liposuction is necessary, usually a small incision about an eight of an inch in length is made in the armpit, breast fold, or around the edge of the areola. Skin that is healthy and elastic will then shrink to the new chest contour.
  • Minimal Incision Male Breast Reduction – If large qualities of fat need to be removed and the skin is not elastic enough or the patient presents with excess skin, then additional incisions will be necessary to achieve the desire result. Sometimes the incisions can be minimal, requiring incisions around the areola to remove the excess skin. These incisions usually heal quite nicely and hide within the darker skin of the areola.
  • Traditional or Full Male Breast Reduction – If the patient presents with not only excess fat and skin, but also the need to remove glandular tissue, then a traditional male breast reduction may be recommended. A pre-operative mammogram will determine in most cases if this is necessary. The traditional male breast reduction includes larger incisions that include around the areola, a vertical incision from the areola to the breast crease, and an incision along the breast crease. Removal of the glandular tissue is often necessary to prevent a protruding nipple.

Gynecomastia Before and After Photos by Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon Dr. Peter B. Fodor

View Dr. Fodor’s Before and After photo gallery.

Preparing for Gynecomastia Surgery

Dr. Fodor will give you instructions about how to prepare for surgery. These instructions will include guidelines for eating, drinking, and medications, such as avoiding aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications that promote bleeding.

You will need to arrange to have someone drive you to and from the surgery center the day of your procedure and possibly stay with you for the first night.

What is Gynecomastia Recovery?

You can expect to feel no or mild discomfort for a few days following surgery. Pain medications are prescribed as needed. Swelling and bruising are normal. These should dissipate within 7-10 days. The final results of your surgery may not be apparent for 2-3 months.

You may be instructed to wear a compression garment following surgery to help reduce swelling and bleeding. Superficial stitches will be removed in 7-10 days.

Additionally, you will need to avoid exposing your incisions to the sun for six months.

Your recovery from male breast reduction will depend on your specific procedure to address your cosmetic needs. Most patients experience no to mild pain for a few days following surgery and are able to return to work after a week or less. Male breast reduction patients are able to get back in the gym in 3-4 weeks at the direction of Dr. Fodor.

Your Favorite Version of You Begins Here

Call today to schedule your confidential in-person or virtual consultation with Dr. Peter Fodor to discuss your cosmetic goals.

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