Buccal Fat Pad Removal Los Angeles | Las Vegas

Buccal Fat Pad Removal for Cheek Reduction by Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills & Las Vegas

Buccal fat pad removal is a popular cosmetic facial procedure that reduces the fullness of the cheeks. This procedure is for both men and women looking to achieve a more sculpted, contoured facial appearance.

The buccal fat pad lies beneath the cheek bone. Buccal fat pad reduction enhances the mid-face area by reducing rather than adding volume. This procedure carried out through a small incision made inside the mouth without and visible scarring. Removal of this excess cheek fat achieves a more refined, sculpted cheek contour.

This procedure is primarily recommend for patients with decidedly round, full cheeks. Patients can expect some brief swelling after buccal fat removal, as well as difficulty chewing until the swelling resolves.

Most patients are extremely happy with the results of buccal fat removal to reduce “pudgy” or “baby face” cheeks. If the facial contour is minor, this cosmetic procedure nevertheless can produce a significant change in facial aesthetics. With the reduced fullness in the lower cheek area, the cheek bones appear more prominent. In addition to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, patients usually experience more self-confidence with their new look.

Male Cheek Reduction Surgery - Buccal Fat Pad Removal

Length of Surgery – Usually 30-90 minutes.

Anesthesia – Local anesthesia with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. On the cutting edge and preferred by Dr. Fodor is TIVA, which is a combination of the two. It diminishes bleeding and post-operative nausea. Dr. Fodor has used this method for many years.

Recovery – Patients report no to mild discomfort after this procedure. Most patients are up and about the first day and back to work in 1 to 7 days if swelling permits. Swelling usually dissipates within 10 days after the procedure. Most patients experience little to not bruising.

Scars – The surgeon makes small incisions inside the mouth specifically in the buccal mucosa, which prevents any visible scarring.

Closure – The surgeon closes the incisions with dissolvable sutures.

What is buccal fat removal?

Cheek reduction surgery is a procedure to remove or reduce the fat in the lower cheek area of the face. This procedure can be used to:


  • Reduce roundness in the cheeks
  • Create a more sculpted facial structure
  • Enhance cheekbone definition
  • Achieve a more chiseled jawline

Benefits of Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal can provide several benefits, including:


  • Youthful appearance – The procedures enhances the cheekbones and jawline definition.
  • Reduction of chipmunk cheeks appearance – Individuals desiring this procedure wish to remove the chipmunk cheeks or baby face appearance.
  • Facial Contour – One of the primary reasons individuals seek this procedure is to achieve a more chiseled facial structure.
  • Increased self-confidence – The noticeable results is known to improve self confidence with their more defined facial appearance.

Who is a good candidate for buccal fat removal?

Good candidates are patients who:

  • Have round cheeks with excess buccal fat
  • Want a more chiseled facial contour
  • Are in good overall health and have realistic expectations


Your Favorite Version of You Begins Here

Call today to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Peter Fodor to discuss your cosmetic goals.

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